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  • Writer's pictureSkylar Lovvo

Martin on the Clock

Updated: May 29, 2019

On April 8, 2019, Martin Methodist College’s Sport Management Society hosted a first-of-its-kind event: a talk with current and former National Football League executives who stopped by Pulaski on their way to the NFL Draft, which was held in Nashville for the first time in 2019. This event was made possible by MMC Sport Management majors who planned and produced the entire event under the tutelage of Dr. Gene Smith, Assistant Professor of Sport Management and former GM of the Jacksonville Jaguars. MMC Seniors Drew Nipper and Kiara Mayo served as the moderators for the evening, and MMC was excited to host Jerry Reese, Michael Reinfeldt, and Ruston Webster-- three well-known and highly respected NFL executives for behind-the-scene glimpse of the draft process.

Aside from being an amazing and high-profile event for MMC’s campus, the Sport Management students behind it all got an in-depth look at what it can be like setting up an event of this sort. Even on a small scale, students worked every aspect of the event, from welcoming and signing in guests, to moderating Q&A sessions, to security, and much more. Every detail was meticulously planned and executed.

“This unique event presented by the students in the MMC Sport Management program has been an incredible experiential learning opportunity for students and is in unison with our college-wide academic emphasis on high-impact educational practices for our students,” Dr. Smith said after the event. “[They] put forth their best efforts in the planning and production of this wonderful event…This was truly a special evening for everyone involved.”

The event was the talk of the campus for weeks!

MMC Sport Management majors and Program Coordniator Gene Smith pictured with Ruston Webster, Jerry Reese, and Micheal Reinfeldt.

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